May 26 - June 1, 2024
Yes, you are qualified! No experience necessary!
How You Can Help
We are so pleased you are interested in judging our students at NITOC 2024 at Union University. Judges are a vital part of our speech and debate tournaments, and we can't thank you enough for volunteering!
The students benefit from your written evaluation of their performances. It is a significant part of their learning experience and growth, and your investment is greatly appreciated!
Share this opportunity with your colleagues, family, and friends. You can print or share this 8.5"X11" informational flyer
What We Need From You
You will need 2.5 to 3-hours for Judge Orientation, judging a round, and completing ballots. The following is the maximum time you will be needed per round:
TP/LD Debate Round: 3 hours
Parli Debate Round: 2.5 hours
Speech Round: 3 hours
Light refreshments will be served, including coffee, tea, and assorted small bites.
Please click on Schedule for the full tournament schedule. When you register, you will be able to select event times that fit your schedule.
For all rounds, please arrive 1 hour prior to the round start time to receive Judge Orientation.
When you are ready to register, click on Judge Registration. We will also send you a confirmation email as well as a reminder email.
Help us get the word out! Tell your friends and family!
If for some reason you are unable to fulfill your commitment, email [email protected] to cancel your registration.
There will be signs directing you to "Community Judge Check-In,"
Judge Orientation
You will receive Judge Orientation when you arrive for your rounds. If you would like to learn more now, click on the links below.
Team Policy Debate Orientation
Lincoln Douglas Debate Orientation
Parliamentary Debate Orientation
Questions? Please email us at [email protected].