Parental Responsibility and Attendance at NITOC

It is expected that a parent or legal guardian will be attending NITOC with their student(s) for reasons including but not limited to responsibility, safety, medical emergency, and judging requirements. It is expected that whenever a student is on campus that their parent or legal guardian is on campus.

Non-Parent Adult Chaperone
(Please note the following exception does NOT apply to the Union dorm housing policy, only to attendance at NITOC.)

If the family is experiencing a dire situation that prohibits a parent or legal guardian from attending with their student, and a student(s) is attending with a non-parent adult chaperone, please be aware that it is the parent's responsibility to:

1) Make sure that the chaperone has a signed medical consent form giving them authority should a medical emergency arise. It is the parent's responsibility to make sure that adequate paperwork is in the possession of the chaperone.

2) The chaperone is expected to be on campus whenever the student(s) they are responsible for is on campus, just as a parent would be.

3) The chaperone or other adult is responsible for covering all of the required judging slots as deemed necessary by the registration software. This requirement is in addition to any judging requirement that the chaperone may have for their own personal children.

4) An email needs to be sent to [email protected] by May 15th, informing the tournament directors that as a parent or legal guardian you are not able to attend. You will need to list the name and contact information for your child's chaperone.

5) By registering your student(s) for NITOC through this Flowpad website you agree to all of the above conditions regarding a student attending without their parent. Failure to abide by the above, could result in your student being removed from the tournament and/or not allowed on the Union campus.