NITOC TP/LD Procedures and Protocol

Team Policy Debate

Any evidence orally read in the round must be made available to the other team
upon request. Any violation of this policy may result in a loss.

Lincoln Douglas Debate

Any evidence orally read in the round must be made available to the other team
upon request. Any violation of this policy may result in a loss.

TP Resolution

Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reform its
energy policy.

LD Resolution

Resolved: The letter of the law ought to have priority over the spirit of the law.

All Debaters (Team Policy and Lincoln Douglas) will self-time.

To access more information regarding Team Policy or Lincoln Douglas Debate click
on the following links:
TP Rules
LD Rules
Evidence Standards

TP/LD Double-Elimination Outrounds

At NITOC we have an extended schedule that facilitates the use of double-elimination outrounds for Lincoln-Douglas and Team Policy debate.

This video explains the process for double-elimination outrounds for LD and TP at NITOC: Outround Video

To review the slides from the video, click here.

If you have any comments or questions, feel free to contact the NITOC tab director, Wayne Johnson, at [email protected].