Interp in a Box


All Interp in a Box competitors must bring their boxes to Check-In on Sunday outside Pennick (PAC) C-15. Members of the Speech Committee will be there to measure your box and ensure that it complies with the Interp in a Box event rules. If a box is not in compliance, the competitor must comply before being allowed to compete. All approved boxes will receive a small sticker with their name that will need to stay on the box for the remainder of the tournament to prove that they comply.


Pennick (PAC) C-15 will be an unattended area where competitors may leave their Interp in a Box. Beginning Sunday after check-in, competitors will be able to store their boxes. Please remember that boxes are left at the competitor’s risk. Competitors could also store their boxes in their cars or dorm rooms.

Please be sure everything is clearly labeled with your name.